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The hardware products that will fix your life

By Flyers 365Published 7 April 2022
The hardware products that will fix your life

When something breaks in our home we tend to get very nervous and turn to professional hands. Houses in South Africa are not always in perfect condition and every now and then we have to carry out repairs. That's why we want to leave you with a basic kit of elements, products and supplies that you should have on hand to solve small household problems.


The first thing you should go out and buy in a retail shop in South Africa is a good glue. Things are always going to break in our homes and it's good to have a glue on hand, whether it's synthetic glue, glue or contact glue. This will give that much-loved cup or saucer a little more life if it does break. It's also good to have glue for repairing lifted woodwork or minor furniture touch-ups.

Tap gaskets

Has it ever happened to you that your tap leaks and you can't live with that noise? This happens because the rubber sealing gasket of the faucet is broken. It is always a good idea to buy some spare parts from a hardware store in South Africa so that you can keep them in a drawer and pull them out when you need them. The less water we waste, the better it is for our environment and for our economy as well. With these supplies you will no longer have any problems repairing your taps.

Repairing holes

The walls of our houses can suffer some problems either by a blow from a piece of furniture or when we want to change a painting. For this you should have putty in your survival kit. You can buy it in any home improvement shop in South Africa and it will help you to cover up those little holes that look bad. It's easy to prepare and dries quickly. Then you'll need to give it a little paint to keep the fix in place.

Combat damp

If there's one problem that plagues everyone, it's damp. Sooner or later we will have to deal with this scourge of every South African home. The first solution is to call in a specialist to check, break and fix the crack that is causing the damp. Beyond that, we can also buy some products at our local hardware store to help rule out this problem. After fixing and painting an adhesion promoter to fix the paint and a water repellent to avoid corrosive actions from the outside.


In addition to glue it is important that you buy a good sealant from a building supply shop in South Africa. These products, which come in different brands, allow you to control those small gaps where taps or toilets leak water.


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