
TILETORIA weekly ads

Vinyl Promo - 1

Vinyl Promo sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Vinyl Promo soon!
 50% off our premium vinyl flooring - 1

50% off our premium vinyl flooring sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from 50% off our premium vinyl flooring soon!
Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring!  - 1

Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring! sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring! soon!
Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring!  - 1

Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring! sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Up to 50% OFF luxury vinyl flooring! soon!

TILETORIA ads, weekly flyers & deals

Tiletoria is a South African company that specializes in designing and marketing a wide range of quality tiles, vinyl, and laminate products. It has offices in Cape Town, Durban, Namibia, and Johannesburg.

Frequently asked questions about TILETORIA

How to save money at Tiletoria

In Tiletoria you can save money by taking advantage of all of its promotions, offers and sale products. In addition, the company suggests you to subscribe to receive by mail the latest news, special offers and the new releases.

How can I access the best deals at Tiletoria?

Flyers 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

Discover incredible savings on groceries, electronics, furniture, clothing, tools, gardening supplies, cosmetics, sportswear, toys, and much more.

We have one of the largest collections of catalogues from some of South Africa's best shops and brands.

Flyers 365 helps you find the best deals to save time and money. Find the latest discounts and offers at shops near you.

When was Tiletoria created?

Tiletoria has more than 25 years as a leading South African flooring and sanware company supplying a wide range of quality products. The firm is characterized for bringing you expert advice and design ideation from your design stage through to your final finishes.

Nowadays, Tiletoria is the best option in renovations, that sells flooring and sanware products and solutions. At the same time, it develops its commercial activities through its stores located in Cape Town, Durban, Namibia, and Johannesburg.

Is Tiletoria currently open?

The stores of Tiletoria open its doors at the same days and hours. They do it from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, on Saturday from 9am to 2pm, on Sunday they are closed and during public holidays from 9am to 1pm.

How to buy Tiletoria products Online

On the Tiletoria website you can´t shop online. The page offers quote-requests only. However, you can see the sale products, promotions and at the same time, the company suggests you to register your mail to receive latest news, special offers and the new releases.

What brands can I find at Tiletoria?

Tiletoria commercializes its own brand, making sure to offer the best quality products at the best prices and design ideation from the beginning to the final product.

Who are Tiletoria's main competitors across the country?

Some of Tiletoria´s main competitors in South Africa are LEROY MERLIN, Builders, Build Africa Hardware and others more.

How many Tiletoria stores are across the country?

Tiletoria has four stores in South Africa. To discover which is the nearest of you, visit https://Tiletoria.co.za/contact-us/

How to get exclusive benefits at Tiletoria

The best way to get exclusive benefits in Tiletoria is asking a quote-requests by the website. Not only that, but also, you can get informed about the promotions and offers searching in the online web. In addition, you can receive special offers by mail and get the latest news following social media.

TILETORIA latest discounts!

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