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Offers on bedroom and living room furniture from 8 July to 13 July 2024 - Catalogue Page

Offers on bedroom and living room furniture sales

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Winter Comfort Collection - 1

Winter Comfort Collection sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Winter Comfort Collection soon!
Offers on bedroom and living room furniture from 14 July to 19 July 2024 - Catalogue Page

Offers on bedroom and living room furniture sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Offers on bedroom and living room furniture soon!
Offers on bedroom and living room furniture from 20 July to 25 July 2024 - Catalogue Page

Offers on bedroom and living room furniture sales

This catalogue has expired. Find more offers from Offers on bedroom and living room furniture soon!

TRUE WOOD FURNITURE ads, weekly flyers & deals

True Wood Furniture is a South African furniture manufacturer and retailer with headquarters in Gauteng. It commercializes a wide range of furniture for dining rooms and bedrooms. The company operates 12 stores throughout the country and an online marketplace.

Frequently asked questions about TRUE WOOD FURNITURE

How to save money at True Wood Furniture

Saving money at True Wood Furniture is easy with their offers and promotions. Visit their online store to find products with incredible discounts. You can also check out Flyers 365 to stay updated on the latest catalogues and the best promotions to save on everything you need.

How can I access the best deals at True Wood Furniture?

Flyers 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

Discover incredible savings on groceries, electronics, furniture, clothing, tools, gardening supplies, cosmetics, sportswear, toys, and much more.

We have one of the largest collections of catalogues from some of South Africa's best shops and brands. Flyers 365 helps you find the best deals to save time and money. Find the latest discounts and offers at shops near you.

When was True Wood Furniture created?

True Wood Furniture was founded in South Africa in 2007. Over the years, the company opened new branches in many popular areas of Gauteng. They grew from a small furniture store into one a nationally renowned furniture brand. Today, True Wood Furniture has 12 locations and an online marketplace that reaches thousands of customers.

Is True Wood Furniture currently open?

Most True Wood Furniture stores welcome customers every day. They open from 9:00 to 17:00. Some stores work extended hours on weekdays. The times of operations may change on public holidays.

How to buy True Wood Furniture products Online

True Wood Furniture has an online store that allows customers to discover their complete range of products and take advantage of their super-saving promotions. Visit their website to make easy purchases. The company offers delivery and click-and-collect options.

What brands can I find at True Wood Furniture?

True Wood Furniture designs, manufactures and sells high-quality products under its own brand. The company is proud of the excellence of its items, so they offer extended guarantees to customers.

Who are True Wood Furniture's main competitors across the country?

True Wood Furniture competes with other furniture retailers in South Africa, such as Furniture Liquidation Warehouse, Weylandts, United Furniture Outlets, and Italtile.

How many True Wood Furniture stores are across the country?

True Wood Furniture operates 12 stores in South Africa. Most of their stores are located in the same region of the country. You can find locations in Akasia, Pretoria, Centurion, Johannesburg, Modderfontein, Randburg, Boksburg, Brakpan, Vereeniging, and many other cities.

How to get exclusive benefits at True Wood Furniture

True Wood Furniture provides an extended guarantee on all its products and offers additional services such as delivery and installation. To stay updated on their latest news and promotions, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

TRUE WOOD FURNITURE latest discounts!

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