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The ultimate guide to saving money on Christmas

The ultimate guide to saving money on Christmas

Christmas is getting closer and the biggest worries are food and gifts. If you don't calculate the budget, you can overspend and end up regretting later for running out of money. In South Africa there are several chains where you will find the best prices. You just have to pay more attention to your consumption and follow some of the tips we give you to save money on Christmas shopping. Here is the ultimate guide:

Make a list


Make a list of all your holiday expenses and prioritize each one. The spending list should include everything from gifts to Christmas cards to decorations, special gifts, stocking stuffers, food and clothes. You may find it helpful to review last year's bank statements to see what you bought.

Set a budget


Creating a budget is a good way to keep track of expenses. You can use an app to write down the figures or use a notebook or a classic Excel sheet. The important thing is to write down everything you are going to give at Christmas. Once the budget is established, remember to compare the prices of online shopping with those of physical stores, and check your movements to avoid surprises. Many people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and forget to keep track of their budget.

Buy gifts early


Take advantage of discounts that come earlier and earlier every year. Also, by shopping early, you will be able to compare prices and not overpay for the same product. Look for gift offers that are beautiful and interesting. You can also go to outlet stores, where you will find quality items from past seasons at incredible prices. Write a letter with what you consider essential and make sure that all your gifts have their ticket. The purpose is that you can return it in case you haven't succeeded and that you don't lose the money.

Play โ€œSecret Santaโ€


If there are many in the family, play โ€œSecret Santaโ€. It is a way to save money in a fun and effective way. This way everyone gets a gift, but you only buy one. The economic savings are considerable. It is a good solution and everyone wins, since the gift will be personalized and doesnโ€™t involve so much effort. You can reuse elements that you have at home and make all kinds of designs that you consider original. It's all a matter of imagination and practicality.

Buy in second hand stores


Every day we are more open to buying in vintage markets to equip our home with second-hand products. Try making gifts this year from already used objects to give them a new use and create a more sustainable Christmas. Not only will you save good money, but secondhand shopping is great for the environment.

Flyers 365 brings you all the discount catalogs from your favorite stores across the country so you don't have to overspend this Christmas. Prioritize your finances. Be smart and you'll be all set!


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